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Adult education: things we can learn from Blake

Adult education: things we can learn from Blake

Colin Waugh address delivered at the Conference on the 7th May 2021

‘Fostering community, democracy, and dialogue through adult lifelong education’: Celebrating resources of hope. 


This presentation and associated paper will focus on two documents produced by William Blake: the title page of his prophetic book Milton, probably started in 1803 (this includes the verses that begin 'And did those feet in ancient time . . .'), and the section of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790) (MHH) that begins 'The ancient poets . . .'.

The later document centres on two concepts - : 'prophecy' and 'mental fight' - that I argue are crucial to rebuilding collective working-class adult education now. The earlier document allows us to see how Blake arrived at these concepts.


Full discussion paper





plebs News March

March Plebs News

 Plebs News March

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Plebs News Feb 21

Plebs News is a monthly newsletter for Sheffield Central CLP but contains articles of interest for the whole Labour movement.

February 2021

Screenshot 2021-02-25 Plebs News Feb 2021 - 5Jc4VnNzkdff1FkHoZYvQL3q6ztnIbBd1614254821 pdf 

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